NFT bartering — trading the right way

Apples to Oranges
2 min readAug 5, 2021

Hey, everyone! My name is Ivan. More than three years ago I have created Deus ETH — the first visual novel that used smart contracts and NFTs. Later it evolves in Tokenville and these were the happiest days of my career. We were creating unique shows powered by NFTs. Until the market hibernated… We decided to take a break and “get a real job”.

I’ve found myself as a CPO in some trading companies, such as Changelly and 3Commas. It was challenging, but it wasn’t my game. I was always bored with what people call “exchanges”.

I’m very excited to announce my new project — The exchange designed for people like me. preview

Remember when we were kids? We used to trade cards, toys, whatever. And we were not selling them. We were bartering. And it was fun!

I believe that barter is something that is rooted in our human nature. I see it every time my 8-year-old son trades toys with his friends. He has his measurement system. But first of all, he enjoys this kind of trading.

I’m building an app that will allow you to barter NFTs with other traders.

Would you trade some of your tokens with others? Share your ideas in the comments and apply for a waitlist to get a collectible once we launch.



Apples to Oranges

a2o — is an app where you can barter, trade and discover non-fungible tokens. This is our blog where we are posting our thoughts about the future of NFTs.